Melbourne Termite Hotspots
As a trusted name in the industry Noah’s Ark Pest Control is often asked for advice regarding Melbourne termite hotspots, specifically if we see termite activity in certain suburbs more than others, and whether certain suburbs are more prone to infestation than others, and the reasons for it.
As an industry of termite experts we now would like to educate the general public directly about the risks of termite attack. Only part of this risk is geography, other risk factors are to do with environment of nearby trees, maintenance of the house, availability of timber in ground contact e.g. timber retaining walls, fencing, etc. There is also the proximity to parks, rivers, water leaks, moisture build-up or poor ventilation in the sub-floor. The variables are wide and varied. Therefore our advice is consistent regardless of geographical area: Always consult a professional termite expert when purchasing or building/renovating.
Termite Protection for New Construction
So do you need termite protection on a new build? Whether Termite protection is required compulsorily is down to Local Councils. Whilst most recognise the importance of requiring termite protection, there are still some councils that have failed to introduce mandatory requirements. Therefore, areas such as Yarraville, Seddon and West Footscray, which are part of Maribyrnong City Council and are rapidly gentrifying suburbs, are not required to have termite protection in new construction.

Sadly, this means expensive renovations and all new developments are vulnerable to termite entry and subsequent damage.To make matters worse, many of these areas follow train lines, the Maribyrnong River, and have been planted with Peppercorns and Eucalypts which are perfect termite habitats.
In addition, some modern building practices are inadvertently increasing the risk of termite attack. Using Waffle pod slabs, which is essentially polystyrene, is highly attractive to Termites as they retain moisture which makes them very effective breeding grounds.
We have some case studies on large strata townhouse sites, where termites have attacked the structure within six (6) months of the structure being constructed leading to extensive and costly repairs.We see termites in brand new developments, townhouses and extensions all too regularly.
The combination of environmental risk, poor building design, and lack of mandatory Termite protection will continue to see the prevalence of termite infestation in certain suburbs.
We are, as an Industry Body, putting pressure on Municipalities to adjust their building guidelines so residents have a much better idea of termite risk and to ensure termite protection is uniformly embedded in the building process.
If you are planning on building or renovating then you need to seek advice from a termite expert. Noah’s Ark Pest Control can provide an understanding and free advice around your risks when building and can consult with you on minimizing that risk and protecting your investment. If you’d like to talk to one of our team we’d be happy to assist. Please contact us on Ph. 9372 2670.
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